Rules of the Festival

    1. 1.1.The following rules apply to all sections of the Portsmouth Festival of Performing Arts.  Certain sections have additional rules which will be found at the beginning of the Syllabus and Programme for those sections.
    2. 1.2.All classes, except those designated OPEN, are for amateurs.  An amateur is someone who does not earn his/her livelihood from performance in the section in which s/he seeks to enter the Festival.  This also applies to all members of ensembles.
    3. 1.3.The Management reserves the right to:
      1. 1.3.1.Reject any proposed entry.
      2. 1.3.2.Limit the number of entries in any class where, because of Government Health and Safety Regulations, the maximum number of entries that can be satisfactorily dealt with has been reached.
      3. 1.3.3.Appoint replacement or additional adjudicators and to alter, modify or cancel any of the arrangements detailed in the Syllabus.
      4. 1.3.4.Provide an electric piano for use in any section where it is not possible to provide an acoustic instrument.
    4. 1.4.Performers are responsible for the care of their belongings, including instruments, at all times.  The Festival management cannot accept responsibility for any losses incurred.
    5. 1.5.CHILD PROTECTION POLICY.  The Portsmouth Festival of Performing Arts operates a Child Protection Policy, which has been approved by the British and International Federation of Festivals.  A copy of the policy is included in the syllabus and programme.  All entrants, performers, members of the audience, and any persons associated with the running of the Festival are to comply with the provisions of that policy.
    6. 1.6.BEHAVIOUR: Any inappropriate behaviour exhibited in any section of this Festival will result in the person concerned and the teacher/organisation to which s/he belongs being liable to immediate removal, and being banned from the PFPA for up to three years.  NB:  Entry fees are not refundable in this instance.
    7. 1.7.For large groups, in addition to the MD, one helper per twenty performers will be admitted free.
    8. 1.8.MOBILE PHONES must be switched off while the Festival classes and/or concerts are in progress.
    9. 1.9.For copyright reasons the Festival is advised by the British & International Federation of Festivals that the use of video cameras and recording devices of any kind by the audience is not permitted unless the person concerned can show Festival staff a valid copyright permissions licence allowing them to record events, and they have the permission of the adjudicators, the performers (or the parents/guardians/carers of the performers under the age of 18) and in the case of Dance performances the permission of the Dance Choreographers.
    10. 1.10.Still photography is not allowed during performances, although relations/friends may photograph cup/trophy presentations.
    11. 1.11.Any complaint or objection relating to the Festival will only be considered if submitted in writing to the Festival Secretary.  The decision of the Management Committee in all matters arising out of, or not specifically covered in, these rules is final.
    1. The person submitting and signing the entry form must be 18 years or over.
    2. 2.2.All entries are to be sent to the individual Head of Section’s address, as detailed at the beginning of each section, or entries can be submitted online at All entries should be received by the closing date as published in the syllabus and online.
    3. The Committee reserves the right to limit the number of items allowed for each dance or drama school and to return entries should the maximum limit already be attained.
    4. The Committee also reserves the right to split or combine classes to ensure the smooth running of the Festival.
    5. There is a limit to the number of entries that the Festival can accept as each section is restricted to the number of days as specified in the syllabus. Once the maximum number of entries has been reached, the Festival will be unable to accept any more entries.
      1. All entries must be accompanied by the full entry fee. A cheque should be included with all postal entries. Please note that entries will not be processed until the entry fees have been received.
      2. All sections will email schedules.  Entrants who prefer to receive a printed schedule through the post need to include a stamped, addressed envelope.
    7. 2.7.Entry fees are as specified in the Syllabus.  Cheques should be made payable to PORTSMOUTH MUSIC FESTIVAL.  Please do not send cash through the post.
    8. 2.8.Entry fees are not refundable.
    9. 2.9.The exact time of each piece must be stated on the entry form.
    10. 2.10.No performer may perform the same piece in more than one class, or in the same class in different years.
    11. 2.11.Own choice titles, composers and timings must be advised to the appropriate Head of Section either on the Entry Form or by the date specified at the beginning of each section if different from the closing date.  This is because the Festival is under a legal obligation to supply the Performing Rights Society with details of all items to be performed.
    12. 2.12.If the piece performed is different from that specified by the closing date, the performer will be adjudicated only.
    13. 2.13.No person will be allowed to take part more than once in any one class unless playing a different instrument, except in a duet or group class, where a second entry is permitted provided a different part is performed.
    14. 2.14.Performers who are members of more than one choir or group are permitted to perform as a member of each choir or group to which they belong.
    15. 2.15.Standards are indicated either by age or grade.  Where a class is denoted by grade indicators, the entrant should not have taken a higher grade as of 1st January of the current Festival year.  N.B. The entrant may play a piece on a current examination syllabus one grade higher than the highest grade specified for the class, but they must not have taken the exam at that level.  This does not apply to examination classes, which refer to the grade about to be taken.
    16. 2.16.A Novice is considered to be an entrant who has not been learning an instrument for more than 12 months on 1st January of the current Festival year.  A Novice in the Woodwind, Strings & Brass sections is considered to be someone who is currently learning his/her first woodwind, string or brass instrument and has only been playing it for up to 12 months on 1st January of the current Festival year.
    17. 2.17.Songs and Dances: Songs and Dances from shows may not be performed in any manner that identifies them with any show currently being staged.  Where movement or costume does identify a performance with a show currently being staged in the UK, performance copyright permission is required.  It is the responsibility of the performer to acquire this copyright permission and proof will be required by the PFPA.  However, a “straight” concert performance does not require any copyright permission.
    18. 2.18.Costume is not permitted in any Speech & Drama class other than essential props.  See section for full details.
      1. 2.19.1.In all music ensembles (including duets), the class entered is to be that of the youngest or least experienced entrant who should play a significant part.
      2. 2.19.2.In all Speech & Drama and Dance groups, the class entered is to be that of the oldest entrant.
    20. 2.20.TIME LIMITS
      1. 2.20.1.Entrants and teachers are asked to check and to carefully comply with both upper and/or lower time limits.  Failure to keep within the time limits set will mean that the performer will be adjudicated only.
      2. 2.20.2.The time limits in RECITAL classes are for the TOTAL performance, including introductions and pauses between pieces.
    21. 2.21.AGE LIMITS: the following criteria apply for age limits:
      1. 2.21.1.Age is as of 1st September of the current academic year.
      2. 2.21.2.YOUTH CHOIRS/BANDS/ORCHESTRAS – all players must be in full-time education, and aged 18 years or under as at 1st September of the current academic year, unless stated otherwise in the section.
      3. 2.21.3.Ages must be quoted correctly on the entry form.
    22. 2.22.ACCOMPANISTS
      1. 2.22.1.Performers are responsible for arranging their own accompanist.
      2. 2.22.2.Accompanists known to the Festival Management Committee are listed in the Syllabus.  Performers may contact any accompanist on that list.  Performers do not have to use any of the listed accompanists, they may bring anyone of their choice.
      3. 2.22.3.Where appropriate, a hi-fi player (CD player & iPod dock) will be available to provide a backing track.
    1. 3.1.Performers are advised to be present at the venue at least 20 minutes before the advertised time of their class. Any entrant not present when the class is called will not be allowed to take part unless a valid reason can be given.  The decision of the Head of Section will be final.
    2. 3.2.Times of classes are subject to change at the discretion of the Head of Section.  (This may occur in cases where all the participants are present before the advertised time.)
    3. 3.3.A copy of each Own Choice piece must be handed to the adjudicator’s steward at the time of the performance, otherwise the entrant will be adjudicated only.  Photocopies may be offered provided an original has been purchased.  The photocopy will be retained and destroyed by the adjudicator’s steward after the performance.
      1. 3.4.1.The Festival cannot legally allow anyone to play/perform from photocopied music, and has no choice but to disqualify performers and accompanists who do so, unless before their class starts, they can produce written evidence showing that the publisher’s agreement has been sought and given.
      2. 3.4.2.The only photocopies the Festival can allow in law are:
        1. for the adjudicator’s use, which will be destroyed at the end of each class;
        2. an awkward page-turn which may hinder a performance.  In this instance, the performer/accompanist must show the original, purchased copy and the photocopied page to the Head of Section before the class begins, and receive his/her agreement to its use;
        3. that comply with current photocopying laws.
      3. 3.4.3.The Festival has to be strict with this regulation.  You are asked to comply with it to avoid unpleasant situations arising during the Festival.
    5. 3.5.MUSIC CLASSES.  Any cuts and omissions in the music being performed must be clearly indicated on all copies provided for the adjudicator and the accompanist (if one is required).
    6. 3.6.SPEECH CLASSES.  Any cuts and omissions in the script being read must be clearly indicated and, in the case of copyright works, the performer is responsible for obtaining the required permission from the owner of the copyright, before the Festival begins.
      1. 3.7.1.No performance should contain swearing or obscene language.  Any performance that breaks this rule will be immediately disqualified and the performer may, at the discretion of the section head, be required to withdraw from further classes in that section.
      2. 3.7.2.Performers should avoid using material unsuitable for the age of the performer.
      1. 3.8.1.Please note that only Festival officials directly concerned with the section may speak to the adjudicator.
      2. 3.8.2.The adjudicator can stop a performance at any time.
      3. 3.8.3.The adjudicator’s decision in all cases is final.
    1. 4.1.All performers will be issued with a certificate and an adjudication providing the Festival rules have been complied with.
    2. 4.2.The winner(s) of each class will be announced.  Second and third places will be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator.
    3. 4.3.marks and above); a cup may be awarded for a Merit at the adjudicator’s discretion.
    4. 4.4.The Festival reserves the right to present cups/trophies not awarded in the published class in other classes or sections in the current Festival, with the permission of the Cup Steward and/or Committee.
    5. 4.5.All cups and trophies remain the property of the Festival and have to be signed for before being taken away from the Festival.
    6. 4.6.It is the responsibility of the signatory (or his/her parent/guardian) to suitably insure the cup/trophy while it is in their possession.
    7. 4.7.Cups and trophies that have been damaged whilst in the possession of the holder will be repaired by the Festival and the invoice for the repair sent to that holder.
    8. 4.8.If a cup or trophy is lost whilst in the care of the holder, the Festival Committee will hold that person responsible for it.  The matter should be referred to the Festival Secretary immediately.  It will be the holder’s responsibility to have any loss made good.
    9. 4.9.Holders may, at their own expense, have their name engraved on the plinth or shield only, not on the cup or trophy itself.  If in any doubt, please consult the Festival Secretary.
    10. 4.10.Cups and trophies should be returned in good and clean condition to one of the collection points named on the receipt and in the Syllabus and Programme, by the date below.  If returned by post, cups/trophies should be extremely well packed.  Damage caused in transit will be invoiced to the sender.  Please telephone before delivering a cup or trophy, so that you can hand it over in person.  At no time should it be left on a doorstep or windowsill.